“Lessons from Detecting Cognitive Impairment Including Dementia (DetectCID) in Primary Care” presents findings from DetectCID’s first cross-consortium qualitative evaluation study.


Leading the effort to improve the quality of patient evaluations for detecting cognitive impairment in everyday clinical settings.


The Consortium for Detecting Cognitive Impairment, Including Dementia, is a collaborative network of research programs that are performing cross-site validation of paradigms, tools, and protocols that will increase the frequency, and improve the quality of patient evaluations for detecting cognitive impairment in primary care and other everyday clinical settings. Up to half of the funded consortium research focuses on paradigms specifically designed to address barriers to detecting cognitive impairment associated with health disparities.

The Consortium consists of research teams at UCSF, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Northwestern University, with UCSF acting as the Cross-Consortium Coordinating Team (CCCT).



Learn more about our consortium, our goals, and our methods.



If you are a researcher or healthcare provider, please contact us for more information about our project.